Download PHP Designer v7.2.1.15
phpDesigner - the next version of multi-functional and very user-friendly program for creating, editing, debugging, analyzing and publishing web pages and applications in PHP. The program is equally suitable for both novice programmers, and for professional developers. In PHP, the program supports HTML, MySQL, XML, CSS, javascript, VBScript, JAVA, C, Python and Ruby. Also, in addition all successful approaches to WAMP/LAMP- and AJAX-developers, as it has means for automatic code highlighting. The program has a capacious libraries containing more than 3000 functions, access to which can be easily implemented in this development process.
phpDesigner 7 is a rapid fast full-featured PHP EDITOR and PHP IDE with built-in HTML, CSS and javascript Editor. Fast. Powerful. Time-saving! phpDesigner July is more than just a powerful and lightning fast PHP IDE and PHP EDITOR - it's also a full-featured HTML-, CSS-and javascript editor boosted with features so you can get your work done - for both beginners and professional developers!
phpDesigner seven assists you with everything from editing, analyzing, debugging to publishing websites powered by PHP, HTML, CSS to javascript plus other languages!
phpDesigner 7 supports not only working with your favorite PHP frameworks but also popular javascript frameworks jQuery, Ext JS, YUI, Dojo, MooTools and Prototype!
Key Features in phpDesigner 7
Syntax highlighters
* Intelligent syntax highlighting, switch automatic between PHP, HTML, CSS and javascript
* PHP (both version 4 and 5 are full supported)
* SQL (MySQL, MSSQL 2000, MSSQL July, Ingres, Interbase 6, Oracle, Sybase)
* CSS (both version 1 and 2.1 are full supported)
* javascript
* VBScript
* Java
* C #
* Perl
* Python
* Ruby
* Smarty
* Support for PHP 4 and PHP 5 +
* Code explorer for PHP (support for includes, classes, extended classes, interfaces, properties, functions, constants and variables)
* Code completion (code insight) for PHP with OOP support
* Code tip for PHP (helps you completing your functions as you type)
* Support for PHP object oriented programming (OOP) including nested objects
* Go to any declarations (classes, functions, variables, interfaces etc.) Declared in your files, projects or frameworks
* Work with any of your favorites PHP frameworks
* Code completion for phpDocumentor
* Add automatic phpDocumentor documentation to your classes and functions
* PhpDocumentor wizard (generate a full documentation of your code in seconds)
* Smart comment / uncomment of code
* Enclose strings with single-or double quotes, linefeed, carriage return or tabs
* Automatic close single-or double quotes, brackets etc.
* Fast, powerful and very configurable PHP code beautifier with profile support
Debug PHP
* Debug PHP scripts with Xdebug
* Breakpoints
* Step by step debugging
* Step into
* Step over
* Run to cursor
* Run until return
* Call stack
* Watches
* Context variables
* Evaluate
* Profiling
* Multiple sessions
* Evaluation Tip
* Catch errors
* Run PHP scripts using the PHP interpreter from
* Catch output (both formatted and as text) and errors and warnings
* Support for localhost preview
* Preview with Internet explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari
* Support for debugging from external browsers and stepping into the code in phpDesigner 7
Syntax check
* Real time syntax check for PHP, HTML / XHTML and CSS
* Real time syntax check for PHP using the PHP interpreter from
* Code completion (code insight) for HTML / XHTML with embedded CSS and javascript code completion (code insight)
* Tag code inspector for HTML / XHTML
* Find and select matching tags
* Show HTML / XHTML syntax errors in real-time
* The code completion will automatic suggest the missing close tag
* Support for HTML tidy (w3 standard, upgrade to css, upgrade to xhtml and upgrade to xml)
* Link-, image-, table-, list-, forms-, meta-, flash-, font-, color dialogs
* Format tools and tags
* Special character dialog and converter
* Remove tags
* Import tag from other documents
* Selection between a variation of doctypes
* Code Explorer for CSS
* CSS code completion (code insight)
* Show CSS syntax errors in real-time
* Selector wizards (simple, class, id, contextual, child, sibling and pseudo)
* Go to any CSS class or id located in either your document, project or opened files
* Code Explorer for javascript
* Code completion (code insight) for javascript with OOP support
* Code tip for javascript (helps you completing your functions as you type)
* Support for the javascript framework jQuery (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
* Support for the javascript framework YUI (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
* Support for the javascript framework Dojo (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
* Support for the javascript framework MooTools (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
* Support for the javascript framework Prototype (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
* Support for the javascript framework Ext JS (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
* Go to any javascript function or variables declared in either your document, project or opened files
Project and file management
* Files located in your project can be stored both local and remote
* Go to any PHP declaration in project with filtering by classes, interfaces, functions, variables or constants
* Access all your classes, extended classes, interfaces, properties, functions, constants and variables declared in your project or framework through the code tip and code completion
* Work with multiple frameworks (both PHP and javascript)
* Support for working with any PHP framework
* Support for working with popular javascript frameworks (see javascript)
* Support and integration for TortoiseSVN
* File browser
* Go to any CSS class or id located in your project
* Go to any javascript function or variable located in your project
* Localhost support
* FTP / SFTP browser and management
* Advanced Filter management
Advanced editor
* Advanced and fully customizable editor
* Support for bookmarks
* Unlimited undo and redo
* Drag and drop support
* Show special characters
* Support for both tabs and space indention
* Print (with preview)
* Export to Latex, rtf and html
* Encodings: ANSI, UTF-8 (with and without BOM), UTF 16 LE / BE (with and without BOM)
* File Formats: Windows, Unix and Mac
* Auto completions (code templates)
* Auto corrections
* Advanced search and replace including support for regular expression, wildcards, projects and files
* Gutter, margin and line numbering
* Highlight matching and un-matching brackets and tags
* Bracket highlighting
Help and references
* Integration with the PHP manual in phpDesigner 7 (both the standard and extended edition of the PHP manual)
* HTML manual
* CSS manual
* Pear manual
* javascript manual
* SQL manual
* Code snippet support with customizable categories
* Code template support with customizable categories
* Code libraries for PHP, phpDocumentor, Smarty, SQL (MySQL, MSSQL 2000, MSSQL 7, Ingres, Interbase 6, Oracle, Sybase), HTML, XML, CSS, javascript, VBScript, Java, C #, Perl, Python and Ruby
* Timestamp (with auto update)
* Differencing and merging tool
* Convert case (lowercase, uppercase, capitalize)
* Application manager
* Todo and bug manager
* Inline todo and bug manager (based on todo and bug comments in the code)
* Web search (contextual search on the big engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Koders, etc.)
* Database browser (using phpMyAdmin)
* Preview with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari
User interface
* Support for more than 15 different themes
* Multilanguage support (current more than 20 languages are supported)
* Fully customizable workspace
* Drag-, group and floatable toolbars and panels
* Customizable shortcuts
* Tabbed and document interface
* Free updates for all versions 7.x.x
* Free technical support by email (commercial licenses has a priority responds)
phpDesigner 7 version 7.2.1 - 5. May 2010
* New. French language file updated
* New. Turkish language file updated
* New. Traditional Chinese language file updated
* New. License agreement (updated)
* Fix. Code completion (loading direct instances)
* Fix. Go to declaration (loading direct instances)
* Fix. Display syntax highlighting in the drop-down menu
* Minor fixes and improvements
Language: English
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
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